Friday, March 14, 2014

Alternative Heatmap Layer for Silverlight


The heat map layer included with the ArcGIS Silverlight Toolkit allows developers to generate dynamic client-side kernel density surface (or “heat maps”). This layer is ideal for conveying the relative density of points on a map, such as the concentration of McDonald’s restaurants throughout the United States.

Unfortunately the toolkit cannot used to generate heat maps based on attribute value weighting. With weighting it is possible to illustrate weather phenomena or, as shown above, the relative distribution of demographic factors like age or ethnicity.

Below is the source code to an alternative heat map layer that supports weighting for each individual source point and a code snippet demonstration how to use it.

A standard map definition zoomed the extent of the United States. The heap map layer is defined together with its source of data, a graphics layer called “states”.

<esri:Map x:Name="Map" Background="White" IsLogoVisible="False" Visibility="Visible">


        <esri:Envelope XMin="-14040839" YMin="2298282" XMax="-7438568" YMax="7291250">


                <esri:SpatialReference WKID="102100"/>





        <esri:ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer ID="base1" Visible="True"


                                         /rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer" />

        <esri:GraphicsLayer ID="states" Visible="False"/>

        <local:HeatMapLayer ID="heat" Opacity="0.75" Intensity="40" />



The method is called to generate the heat map.  Please note the code block that normalizes the source point weights.

private void LoadHeatMap() {

    GraphicsLayer layer = this.Map.Layers["states"] as GraphicsLayer;

    HeatMapLayer heat = this.Map.Layers["heat"] as HeatMapLayer;



    List<HeatPointSource> list = new List<HeatPointSource>();


    // Add values

    foreach (Graphic g in layer.Graphics) {

        MapPoint p = (MapPoint)g.Geometry;

        CensusValue cv = g.Attributes["census"] as CensusValue;

        HeatPointSource hp = new HeatPointSource() {

            X = p.X,

            Y = p.Y,

            I = (double)cv.WhitePopulation / (double)cv.TotalPopulation




    // Normalize

    double mini = list.Min(h => h.I);

    double maxi = list.Max(h => h.I);

    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {

        HeatPointSource h = list[i];

        h.I = (h.I - mini) / (maxi - mini);



    heat.HeatMapPoints = new ObservableCollection<HeatPointSource>(list);



Lastly, here is the source of the modified heat map layer that supports weighing. Please refer to the original heat map layer for more comments and the WPF version.


using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client;

using ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Geometry;

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Collections.Specialized;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Windows;

using System.Windows.Media;

using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;

using System.Windows.Threading;


namespace ESRI.PrototypeLab.Test {

    public class HeatPointSource {

        public double X { get; set; }

        public double Y { get; set; }

        public double I { get; set; }


    public class HeatMapLayer : DynamicLayer {

        // Background thread used for generating the heat map

        private BackgroundWorker _renderThread = null;

        private ObservableCollection<HeatPointSource> _points = null;

        // Cached value of the calculated full extent

        private Envelope _fullExtent = null;

        private DynamicLayer.ImageParameters _onExport = null;

        private DynamicLayer.OnImageComplete _onComplete = null;

        private DispatcherTimer _timer = null;


        private struct HeatPoint {

            public int X;

            public int Y;

            public double I;


        private struct ThreadSafeGradientStop {

            public double Offset;

            public Color Color;


        public HeatMapLayer() {

            GradientStopCollection stops = new GradientStopCollection();

            stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Colors.Transparent, Offset = 0 });

            stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Colors.Blue, Offset = .5 });

            stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Colors.Red, Offset = .75 });

            stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Colors.Yellow, Offset = .8 });

            stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Colors.White, Offset = 1 });

            this.Gradient = stops;

            this.HeatMapPoints = new ObservableCollection<HeatPointSource>();

            // Create a separate thread for rendering the heatmap layer.

            this._renderThread = new BackgroundWorker() {

                WorkerReportsProgress = true,

                WorkerSupportsCancellation = true


            this._renderThread.ProgressChanged +=

                new ProgressChangedEventHandler(this.RenderThread_ProgressChanged);

            this._renderThread.RunWorkerCompleted +=

             new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.RenderThread_RunWorkerCompleted);

            this._renderThread.DoWork +=

                new DoWorkEventHandler(this.renderThread_DoWork);


        public override Envelope FullExtent {

            get {

                if (this._fullExtent == null &&

                    this._points != null &&

                    this._points.Count > 0) {

                    this._fullExtent = new Envelope();

                    foreach (HeatPointSource p in this._points) {

                        this._fullExtent = this._fullExtent.Union(

                            new Envelope(p.X, p.Y, p.X, p.Y)




                return this._fullExtent;


            protected set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }


        public static readonly DependencyProperty IntensityProperty =





            new PropertyMetadata(10d, HeatMapLayer.OnIntensityPropertyChanged)


        public double Intensity {

            get { return (double)this.GetValue(HeatMapLayer.IntensityProperty); }

            set { this.SetValue(HeatMapLayer.IntensityProperty, value); }


        private static void OnIntensityPropertyChanged(

            DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {

            HeatMapLayer dp = d as HeatMapLayer;



        private void StartTimer() {

            if (this.IsInitialized) {

                if (this._timer == null) {

                    this._timer = new DispatcherTimer() {

                        Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50)


                    this._timer.Tick += (s, e2) => {









        public ObservableCollection<HeatPointSource> HeatMapPoints {

            get { return this._points; }

            set {

                if (this._points != null) {

                    this._points.CollectionChanged –=



                this._points = value;

                if (this._points != null) {

                    this._points.CollectionChanged +=



                this._fullExtent = null;




        private void heatMapPoints_CollectionChanged(object sender,

                                            NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) {

            this._fullExtent = null;



        public static readonly DependencyProperty GradientProperty =





            new PropertyMetadata(null, HeatMapLayer.OnGradientPropertyChanged)


        public GradientStopCollection Gradient {

            get { return (GradientStopCollection)this.GetValue(GradientProperty); }

            set { this.SetValue(GradientProperty, value); }


        private static void OnGradientPropertyChanged(DependencyObject d,

            DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {

            HeatMapLayer dp = d as HeatMapLayer;



        protected override void GetSource(DynamicLayer.ImageParameters properties,

            DynamicLayer.OnImageComplete onComplete) {

            if (!this.IsInitialized || this.HeatMapPoints == null ||

                 this.HeatMapPoints.Count == 0) {

                onComplete(null, null);



            Envelope extent = properties.Extent;

            int width = properties.Width;

            int height = properties.Height;

            if (this._renderThread != null && _renderThread.IsBusy) {


                // Render already running. Cancel current process, and queue up new

                this._onExport = new ImageParameters(extent, width, height);

                this._onComplete = onComplete;




            // Accessing a GradientStop collection from a non-UI thread is not

            // allowed, so we used a private class gradient collection

            List<ThreadSafeGradientStop> stops =

                new List<ThreadSafeGradientStop>(Gradient.Count);

            foreach (GradientStop stop in Gradient) {

                stops.Add(new ThreadSafeGradientStop() {

                    Color = stop.Color,

                    Offset = stop.Offset }



            // Gradients must be sorted by offset


                (ThreadSafeGradientStop g1, ThreadSafeGradientStop g2) => {

                    return g1.Offset.CompareTo(g2.Offset);




            List<HeatPoint> points = new List<HeatPoint>();

            double res = extent.Width / width;

            // Adjust extent to include points slightly outside the view so pan

            // won't affect the outcome

            Envelope extent2 = new Envelope(

                extent.XMin - Intensity * res, extent.YMin - Intensity * res,

                extent.XMax + Intensity * res, extent.YMax + Intensity * res



            // get points within the extent and transform them to pixel space

            foreach (HeatPointSource p in this.HeatMapPoints) {

                if (this.Map != null && this.Map.WrapAroundIsActive) {

                    // Note : this should work even if WrapAround is not active

                    // but it's probably less performant

                    if (p.Y >= extent2.YMin && p.Y <= extent2.YMax) {

                        Point screenPoint = this.Map.MapToScreen(

                            new MapPoint(p.X, p.Y), true);

                        if (!double.IsNaN(width) &&

                            this.Map.FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft) {

                            screenPoint.X = width - screenPoint.X;


                        if (screenPoint.X >= -this.Intensity &&

                            screenPoint.X <= width + this.Intensity) {


                                new HeatPoint() {

                                    X = (int)Math.Round(screenPoint.X),

                                    Y = (int)Math.Round(screenPoint.Y),

                                    I = p.I






                else {

                    if (p.X >= extent2.XMin && p.Y >= extent2.YMin &&

                        p.X <= extent2.XMax && p.Y <= extent2.YMax) {


                            new HeatPoint() {

                                X = (int)Math.Round((p.X - extent.XMin) / res),

                                Y = (int)Math.Round((extent.YMax - p.Y) / res),

                                I = p.I






            // Start the render thread


                new object[] {











        protected override void Cancel() {

            this._onExport = null;

            this._onComplete = null;

            if (this._renderThread != null && this._renderThread.IsBusy) {





        private void renderThread_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {

            BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;

            object[] args = (object[])e.Argument;

            Envelope extent = (Envelope)args[0];

            int width = (int)args[1];

            int height = (int)args[2];

            int intensity = (int)args[3];

            List<ThreadSafeGradientStop> stops =


            List<HeatPoint> points = (List<HeatPoint>)args[5];

            OnImageComplete onComplete = (OnImageComplete)args[6];


            intensity = intensity * 2 + 1;

            ushort[] matrix = HeatMapLayer.CreateDistanceMatrix(intensity);

            double[] output = new double[width * height];

            foreach (HeatPoint p in points) {

                HeatMapLayer.AddPoint(matrix, intensity, p.X, p.Y, p.I, output,


                if (worker.CancellationPending) {

                    e.Cancel = true;

                    e.Result = null;




            matrix = null;

            double max = 0;

            // Find max - used for scaling the intensity

            foreach (int val in output) {

                if (max < val) { max = val; }



            // If we only have single points in the view, don't show them with

            // too much intensity.

            if (max < 2) { max = 2; }


            PngEncoder ei = new PngEncoder(width, height);


            // Height (y)

            for (int idx = 0; idx < height; idx++) {

                int rowstart = ei.GetRowStart(idx);

                // Width (x)

                for (int jdx = 0; jdx < width; jdx++) {

                    Color c = HeatMapLayer.InterpolateColor(

                        output[idx * width + jdx] / max, stops);

                    ei.SetPixelAtRowStart(jdx, rowstart, c.R, c.G, c.B, c.A);


                if (worker.CancellationPending) {

                    e.Cancel = true;

                    e.Result = null;

                    output = null;

                    ei = null;



                // Raise the progress event for each line rendered

                worker.ReportProgress((idx + 1) * 100 / height);



            output = null;


            // Get stream and set image source

            e.Result = new object[] { ei, width, height, extent, onComplete };


        private void RenderThread_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender,

            RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) {

            if (e.Cancelled) {

                // Cancelled because new image was requested. Create new image

                if (this._onExport != null) {

                    this.GetSource(_onExport, _onComplete);

                    this._onExport = null;

                    this._onComplete = null;




            this._onExport = null;

            this._onComplete = null;

            if (e.Result == null) { return; }

            object[] result = (object[])e.Result;


            int width = (int)result[1];

            int height = (int)result[2];

            Envelope extent = (Envelope)result[3];

            OnImageComplete onComplete = (OnImageComplete)result[4];


            BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage();

            PngEncoder ei = (PngEncoder)result[0];



            onComplete(image, new ImageResult(extent));


        private void RenderThread_ProgressChanged(object sender,

            ProgressChangedEventArgs e) {

            // Raise the layer progress event



        private static Color InterpolateColor(double value,

            List<ThreadSafeGradientStop> stops) {

            if (value < 1d / 255d) {

                return Colors.Transparent;


            if (stops == null || stops.Count == 0) {

                return Colors.Black;


            if (stops.Count == 1) {

                return stops[0].Color;



            // clip to bottom

            if (stops[0].Offset >= value) {

                return stops[0].Color;


            else if (stops[stops.Count - 1].Offset <= value) {

                // clip to top

                return stops[stops.Count - 1].Color;


            int i = 0;

            for (i = 1; i < stops.Count; i++) {

                if (stops[i].Offset > value) {

                    Color start = stops[i - 1].Color;

                    Color end = stops[i].Color;

                    double frac = (value - stops[i - 1].Offset) /

                                    (stops[i].Offset - stops[i - 1].Offset);

                    byte R = (byte)Math.Round((start.R * (1 - frac) + end.R * frac));

                    byte G = (byte)Math.Round((start.G * (1 - frac) + end.G * frac));

                    byte B = (byte)Math.Round((start.B * (1 - frac) + end.B * frac));

                    byte A = (byte)Math.Round((start.A * (1 - frac) + end.A * frac));

                    return Color.FromArgb(A, R, G, B);



            return stops[stops.Count - 1].Color; //should never happen


        private static void AddPoint(ushort[] distanceMatrix, int size, int x, int y,

            double z, double[] intensityMap, int width) {

            for (int i = 0; i < size * 2 - 1; i++) {

                int start = (y - size + 1 + i) * width + x - size;

                for (int j = 0; j < size * 2 - 1; j++) {

                    if (j + x - size < 0 || j + x - size >= width) { continue; }

                    int idx = start + j;

                    if (idx < 0 || idx >= intensityMap.Length) { continue; }

                    ushort dm = distanceMatrix[i * (size * 2 - 1) + j];

                    intensityMap[idx] += z * dm;




        private static ushort[] CreateDistanceMatrix(int size) {

            int width = size * 2 - 1;

            ushort[] matrix = new ushort[(int)Math.Pow(width, 2)];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {

                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {

                    matrix[i * width + j] = (ushort)Math.Max(

                        (size - (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(i - size + 1, 2) +

                            Math.Pow(j - size + 1, 2)))),





            return matrix;






  1. It won't compile because ImageParameters can't be found in the type DynamicLayer.

  2. ImageParameter is available in the current release (version 3.2) of the ArcGIS API for Silverlight. Please see below for details.

    1. Yes, I figured that out. It works very well, thank you!
